Tuesday 6 July 2021


A HARARE man, who allegedly swindled a local investor of US$53 000 and implicated President Emmerson Mnangangwa’s son, Collins, has been granted $10 000 bail.

Sean Chiriseri (33), who appeared before magistrate Dennis Mangosi, was ordered to report twice every week at Marlborough Police Station and not to interfere with witnesses.

According to the State papers, sometime in May this year, Chiriseri approached the complainant with a business proposal to do a joint venture in the fuel industry.

The proposals were that Chiriseri would provide the site and Hairwadzi would provide the fuel. The joint venture would come up with start-up fees for the site to be Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority-compliant.

It is alleged Chiriseri then misrepresented to Hairwadzi that he had money in his nostro account, but could not use it since these transactions needed cash.

The State alleges Hairwadzi availed cash US$53 490 to Chiriseri, who, in turn, furnished him with documents where he purported to have effected the transfer of funds from his nostro account to Hairwadzi’s account.

Hairwadzi later realised that the proof of payment was fraudulent. A follow-up on Chiriseri did not yield anything as he started to threaten the complainant saying he had been sent by Collins to take him out of business.

The complainant filed a report with the police, leading to Chiriseri’s arrest. Newsday


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