Wednesday 29 May 2019


Service stations have continued selling fuel at the gazetted prices, despite social media reports that fuel was now being sold at $8 per litre. In Harare yesterday, service stations were selling petrol at the gazetted $4,97 per litre, with diesel selling at $4,86 per litre.

This follows Government’s intervention by cracking down on illegal dealings in the fuel sector, including unilateral price increases and demands for foreign currency as the only form of payment.

On Tuesday, social media was awash with messages that fuel prices had gone up, with others alleging that service stations were selling fuel in foreign currency. This resulted in motorists and commuters panicking.

Some commuter omnibus operators took advantage of the situation and started charging exorbitant fares.

Kombi crews charged as high as $3 per trip, while some commuters from Chitungwiza had to pay between $4 and $5. Yesterday, the situation had returned to normalcy at most service stations although there were long winding queues.

Most motorists told The Herald that they were buying fuel at the usual price and service stations had not increased the price. Service stations were accepting RTGS, swipe and EcoCash.

Some motorists said they were buying fuel so that when the price increase takes effect, they will be safe while others dismissed the speculations of hoarding.

Mr Tendai Chinyemba, a motorist, said he was buying fuel because he was in need of it.
“Where do I get the money to hoard the fuel? I am just buying the usual volumes. I have to take my children to school so I need to top up fuel from time-to-time,” he said.

Another motorist at Puma along Airport Road in Harare said he was confident of refuelling as the queue was moving fast.

“I have been here for the past hour. I may appear to be far away, but I am convinced that I will get the fuel. They are serving people fast and soon I should be going home,” he said.

Energy and Power Development Minister Advocate Fortune Chasi said practices by fuel industry players of unnecessarily increasing prices were unacceptable and Government was prepared to take remedial measures to protect the consumers.

Minister Chasi urged players in the fuel sector to comply with their licence conditions or risk serious consequences. Herald


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