Wednesday 29 May 2019


The MDC condemns the targeted harassment and arrest of Joanna Mamombe which is nothing but an act of political persecution.

She has been detained by Harare Law and Order section since yesterday. Seven Civil Society Organisations leaders have been arrested by a paranoid government which harrassed every international guest who came to attend the MDC congress.

The closure of democratic space is an indictment on a government which claims to be reformist.

The MDC is concerned by the unrepentant behavior of the military State which continues to harrass MDC leaders, MPs, the general membership and leaders of Civic Society Organisations including workers unions.

Mamombe is not a criminal, her persecution is unacceptable.

Criminals in Zanu PF who are looting State funds, bankrupting the State and causing unpalatable suffering to our people are walking free.

The MDC is concerned by the abuse of law enforcement institutions and the Justice delivery system.

Jacob Mafume
MDC National Spokesperson


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