Wednesday 29 May 2019


A CHINESE man was on Sunday found dead at his home in Bulawayo’s Hillside suburb.

His wife gained entry into the house by jumping through an open window after knocking on the door without answer, only to find him dead.

Ms Wen Huidin reportedly got suspicious after her husband Thomas Muller did not respond to her phone calls when she was at the Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International Airport. She had travelled to China and was expecting her husband to fetch her on Sunday at 12PM.

Bulawayo acting provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele confirmed the incident saying police investigations were underway to determine the cause of death.

“We are investigating a case of sudden death where a Chinese man was found dead in Hillside by his wife who had just come back from a trip. She first tried calling him while at the airport and upon getting no responses, she ended up asking a friend to fetch her,” said Asst Insp Msebele.

She said Ms Wen found the gate locked and tried in vain to contact her husband.  

“She ended up calling their gardener who had spare keys to the gate. She noted that the house was locked and gained entry by using a window which led to their study,” said Asst Insp Msebele.

She said Ms Wen was shocked to find her husband lying motionless on the floor.

“Her husband was lying dead on the floor facing upwards and upon investigations, police discovered that there were no visible injuries. His body was taken to the United Bulawayo Hospitals for post mortem and we are waiting for the report to ascertain what could have caused the death,” Asst Insp Msebele said. Chronicle


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