PRESIDENT Mugabe is tired of gossip and lies and wants Zanu-PF cadres to organise themselves and prepare for next year’s harmonised elections, Zanu-PF spokesperson Cde Simon Khaya Moyo said yesterday.
Addressing delegates at the party’s Harare Provincial offices during a BVR voter registration training programme yesterday, Cde Khaya Moyo said tribalism and factionalism should not exist in zanu-pf .
“If we are Zanu-PF, we are Zanu-PF with one President. We must be loyal to the President of the party and Government. Factionalism and tribalism should cease to exist. After the signing of the Unity Accord between Zapu and zanu-pf, the late Vice President Cde Joshua Nkomo called us and said we have one party and said even if l die today, you will remain where l have left you.”
Cde Khaya Moyo cautioned party members to desist from granting the media unnecessary interviews without the party’s blessings as this would brew divisions in the party.
He said Zanu-PF had well-defined party structures of channelling out information through the Information and Publicity Department. “Information is power. We will not allow everybody to be the spokesperson of the party. Refrain from that. They say the pen is mightier than the sword. I have witnessed a trend where most of you are just giving out information without following proper procedures. This is not what is in the Constitution of the party,” he said.
“Let us avoid issuing statements to which we cannot stand by in the future. Our party Constitution is our Bible which must be adhered to. All members of the party must study and know the party’s Constitution.”
Addressing the same gathering, Minister of Welfare Services for War Veterans, War Collaborators, Former Political Detainees and Restrictees Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube said war veterans were a critical sector ahead of next year’s elections.
“War Veterans are a strong constituency that people must not play around with especially during elections,” he said. Zanu-pf political commissar Cde Saviour Kasukuwere said zanu-pf was going to win all seats in Harare next year.
He urged the respective departments to assist the electorate to be registered to vote. On war veterans, Cde Kasukuwere said the position of the party was clear that Mr Christopher Mutsvangwa and his accomplices were not part and parcel of war veterans who liberated the country from colonial bondage.
Dignitaries present at the meeting were Defence Minister Dr Sydney Sekeramayi, Industry and Commerce Deputy Minister Chiratidzo Mabuwa, Harare provincial commissar Cde Shadreck Mashayamombe, Politburo and Central Committee member Senator Charles Tavengwa as well as the Women’s League secretary for Administration Cde Undenge. Herald
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