Tuesday, 12 September 2017


A 67 year old Zvishavane woman has appeared before the magistrates court on allegations of murdering her elderly 80 year old sister.

Another week and yet another murder once again at the Zvishavane Magistrates court.
This time the circumstances even more chilling after a 67 year old allegedly murdered her 80 year old sister.

The accused Emma Mafura of Chief Mapanzure area appeared before magistrate Shepherd Mnjanja facing charges of murdering her elder sister.

Allegations are that the accused assaulted the now deceased several times all over the body with a thick stick thereby inflicting injuries.
The now deceased died on September the 4th with a post mortem confirming the assault as the cause.

The state also alleges that the deceased narrated her ordeal to village headman Tod Mapanda the day after the incident occurred.

It is a worrying trend that traditional leaders demand immediate attention.
Barely a week goes by without a murder case coming before the Zvishavane Magistrates court.

The accused was remanded in custody to September 22.


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