Friday 28 June 2024


A man has killed himself in police cells in Bulawayo. He had been involved in a fierce argument with his in-laws before running berserk stabbing his father-in-law and mother-in-law with a kitchen knife.

B Metro reports that the late Martin Dube who lived in Bulawayo’s Entumbane suburb went to Emganwini suburb to take his children from his in-laws to spend a weekend with them. While he was there, an argument between him and his in-laws ensued after they accused him of failing to pay maintenance for the upkeep of his children.

It is said in a fit of anger, the late, rushed to the kitchen where he fetched a knife and stabbed his father-in-law in the arm. His father-in-law tried to restrain him but he was unstoppable as he went after his mother-in-law and stabbed her in the breast and thigh.

Upon seeing his in-laws’ neighbours rushing to the scene as commotion ensued, Dube took to his heels. Onlookers gave chase and caught up with him. They bashed him before they took him to Nkulumane Police Station.

He was put in cells awaiting to appear in court facing two counts of attempted murder, but killed himself before his court appearance. Police could not immediately comment on the matter.


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