Sunday 19 May 2024


There will be minimal load shedding this winter, the government has said. Energy Minister Edgar Moyo said load shedding will not exceed “Stage One”.

He told The Sunday Mail : “We have made several plans to ensure that the winter power supply situation is better than expected and we are not expecting to exceed Stage One load shedding despite the power crisis in the region.

“As you can see, despite the challenges, we have managed to minimise load shedding for several months now.  We are anticipating reduced load curtailment owing to maximum generation at the Hwange Units 7 and 8, which are consistently producing over 600MW; Hwange Units 1-6 are performing fairly well, producing an average of 300MW from the enhanced maintenance and prioritisation of critical spares.

“Kariba dispatch is being optimised to produce an average of 250MW, with peak supply up to 400MW.  We have several existing import arrangements with our counterparts and Zetdc (Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company) will also be actively involved in the Southern African Power Pool (Sapp) Day Ahead Market, to access any excess power from the region.”



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