Saturday 18 May 2024


Nelson Chamisa’s brother, Starman, who is former Mbare MP, has been filmed attacking his former girlfriend, CCC MP for Southerton Ms Bridget Nyandoro.

She told The Herald that she did not have any bruises as the beatings did not last long but “he twisted my neck which is still hurting”. She is taking pain killers.

Ms Nyandoro said the recent assault was meted on her because  she  had asked for school fees money for his child”.

She accused Starman Chamisa of being an irresponsible father who is denying his child the benefits of having a father present in the child’s life.

“The reason he physically assaulted me was because I had asked him for our child’s school fees.

“He just does not want to be responsible for his child. Every time I ask him for money for the child’s fees and upkeep, he starts telling me the child is not his and I need to do a DNA test.

“I do not know what is stopping him from conducting the tests. The other day he made a booking at a DNA centre in Eastlea and then he refused to undergo the tests. This was in the presence of one of his lawyers.”




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