Saturday 18 May 2024


The High Court yesterday reserved judgement in Neville Mutsvangwa’s bail application. This means that he will spend another weekend in remand prison.  He is facing three criminal charges of illegal foreign currency dealings and one of possession of an unlicensed Starlink router.

Mutsvangwa’s lawyer, Josephine Sande sought bail for her client arguing that the prosecution has no case against Mutsvangwa and his co-suspects Elias Majachani and Simbarashe Tichingana.

The remand court, said the lawyer, misdirected itself in denying bail to Mutsvangwa and his co-accused, arguing that the prosecution hinged its evidence on Visa cards which were seized from Mutsvangwa’s Mount Pleasant home.

Ms Sande said possession of Visa cards is not a crime, neither is it evidence that someone is involved in illegal dealing with cash or money laundering. In the magistrates’ court, Mr Mangosi denied the trio bail on the grounds that they could be tempted to abscond.


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