Thursday, 11 April 2024


A SIX-YEAR-OLD girl from Norton has been electrocuted. The incident took place in Katanga. Cloe Kakurira died after stepping on live cable wires near a tuckshop.

Her uncle, Workmore Katsande, tried to save her life, but it was too late. She died on the spot.

Annah Mutandagayi, Cloe’s grandmother, told H-Metro: “The electric shock started yesterday (Monday), but it was not that powerful. Some of the neighbours felt it. “I had no idea that it would take my granddaughter’s life.”

The grief and sorrow in Annah’s voice were evident, as she reflected on the tragic loss of Cloe, a young girl who had her whole life ahead of her.

She said she regretted that she did not see the danger posed by the faulty electrical wiring from the neighbour’s house.

“Her body was taken to Norton Hospital, the power was illegally connected to a car wash and a barbershop.

“ZETDC visited the site and confirmed that the connections were unauthorised and unsafe.

“They cut off the power to the house, to prevent further tragedy.”

A witness said: “The investigations must continue to bring justice for Cloe and her family and to ensure that this kind of tragedy never happens again.” H Metro


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