Sunday 3 March 2024


GO and see Victor!”

This catchphrase, popularised by businessman Wicknell Chivayo, has seemingly become a password for many of his hand-picked beneficiaries to be blessed with a new set of wheels from a car dealership in Harare.

Every statement that the controversial socialite makes announcing a new gift and beneficiary invariably contains these magic words.

So popular have they become that comedians are now even using them in their skits, while ordinary people use them to tease each other.

But who is this man who has become an overnight sensation?

Some believe he is just a shop-floor worker at Exquisite Cars Dealership, who has the thankless job of handing over freebies to the lucky chosen few.

“Thank you for the kind gestures Sir Wicknell. But I think it’s high time that you tell Victor to go and see himself kkkkk. Chimupaiwo kana Fit or Aqua zvayo. Anzwa nekutambidza vamwe mapango iye asina yake,” reads one of the comments on Chivayo’s post.

Another one wrote: “I’m sure it pains to be Victor. Imagine handing over cars when you do not even have a decent pair of shoes.”

Ever since Chivayo made him (Victor) popular, he has seemingly become a very important person and is enjoying the privileges that come with the tag.

Booking an appointment with him is nearly impossible.

When The Sunday Mail Society crew drove to the dealership with the intention of having a chat with him, security details at the premises made it abundantly clear they needed prior appointment and clearance to see him.

On presenting our identity and professional particulars, the security detail took them inside the company premises, supposedly “for vetting”. Well, as it turns out, Victor — or Victor Matiyenga in full — is, in fact, the owner of the dealership.

He, however, started from humble beginnings, if it can be called that, as he used to wash cars at his father’s car sales business in the capital.

After understudying his father for a number of years, he finally got his breakthrough around 2014 when his old man gave him money to buy a car for resale.

As the story goes, he is said to have bought a Toyota Altezza, which, by and large, marked the birth of Exquisite Cars.

The company, which has grown in leaps and bounds, now caters for the tastes of the nouveau riche through supplying them with brand-new top-of-the-range cars.

Over the years, the businessman has captured the attention of many and made lasting impressions.

This has resulted in him winning several awards, among them Businessman of the Year (Automotive Services) in 2020, while his firm was recognised as the Company of the Year (Automotive Services).

“After my O-Levels, my father then said, ‘You are not going forward, let’s go and work.’ And I said let me continue,” said Victor in his previous interview with our sister paper.

“So, I started by washing cars. That was my job. My job was to get into the office in the morning, take a bucket and wash cars. I was not allowed near customers or to sell cars because the old man thought I knew nothing about the car industry.”

He washed cars for close to a decade, but never lost sight of his vision of making it in the industry .

Despite his roaring success, pocketing a cool US$1,3 million from Chivayo’s recent spending spree, Victor is so unassuming that some people have been mistaking him for a general hand at the company.

Musician Mathias Mhere, who collected the car that Chivayo donated to him at the popular car sale, described Victor as friendly and accommodating.

“I felt at home as I was interacting with him. He is a good man, who treats people with respect. When we first met, it was as if we had known each other for some time,” said Mhere.

The respected gospel singer said his hospitality and that of his stuff “quickly” made him feel at home.

Diana Samkange, who was also gifted a car by Sir Wicknell, weighed in.

“He (Victor) is very humble and he made life very easy for me. I felt so much welcome,” she said.

Victor’s rise to national prominence serves as a clear example of how social media can catapult previously unknown individuals to celebrity status. But, of late, the tide appears to have turned to Madzibaba Chipaga.

It remains to be seen if the man of the cloth, who specialises in a second-hand car dealership in Harare, will become an overnight “celebrity” like his colleague Victor.

Madzibaba Chipaga’s deals are biased towards Toyota Aquas, while Victor supplies brand-new top-of-the-range vehicles.

Meanwhile, keep following social media. Your order to “Go and see Victor” or “Madzibaba Chipaga” might be next! Sunday Mail


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