Monday, 18 March 2024


MANICALAND Provincial Affairs minister, Misheck Mugadza has sent a chilling warning that no one should remain at home in Buhera when President Emmerson Mnangagwa visits for the Independence Day celebrations next month.

Mugadza made the remarks while addressing various church denominations at Murambinda growth point on Saturday during a national prayer day in preparation of the Independence Day Celebrations.

Zanu PF national chairperson, Oppah Muchinguri was the guest of honour.

Murambinda growth point, where poverty and underdevelopment abound, will host the celebrations during which Mnangagwa will be the guest of honour.

The commemorations will be held under the theme Zim@44: Unity, Peace and Development Towards Vision 2030.

Mugadza, the Zanu PF Mutasa South Member of Parliament said: “During the Independence Day Celebrations no one should be seen at home.

“If you are seen at home you are a thief.”

There are now fears that villagers and residents in Murambinda will be frog-marched to the celebrations as national events are increasingly being turned into impromptu Zanu PF rallies.

During the youth day celebrations held in Masvingo in February, Mnangagwa addressed a rally where his loyalists rallied support for him to extend his term beyond 2028.

The country’s Constitution prohibits an incumbent from benefitting from a constitutional amendment to a term limit.

Mnangagwa may need a referendum to extend his term.

“I am happy that churches have come in your numbers. This shows that you support President Emmerson Mnangagwa,” Mugadza said.

Zanu PF Buhera North legislator, Phillip Guyo said thousands of villagers are expected at the Independence Day celebrations.

The government has since ordered all local authorities in Manicaland to camp in Buhera district where they are doing rehabilitation works including road maintenance to ensure the Zanu PF bigwigs have a comfortable ride in and out of the poverty-stricken district.

The 120-kilometre Murambinda and Birchnough Bridge growth point road is being rehabilitated.

For many in the previously neglected Murambinda, it is the first time to see government departments at work to give the area a facelift ahead of the celebrations.

Meanwhile, Zanu PF has extended its begging bowl to companies in Manicaland to finance the 44th Independence Day main celebrations.

Some companies, who refused to be named last week said they have been having several visits from Zanu PF officials seeking donations such as fuel and cash to feed the crowds expected to attend the celebrations.

“We have been approached by Zanu PF to help in financing the Independence Day Celebrations in Murambinda and there is nothing we can do, but to help,” said one company official who refused to be named for fear of victimisation.

Zanu PF director of Information, Farai Marapira said: “There is nothing wrong in seeking help, what we don't want is extortion. Remember this is a national event and this has nothing to do with politics.”

Some Zanu PF officials have been known to take advantage of such events to line their pockets by abusing the name of the party and name-dropping to swindle potential donors. Zanu PF has also roped in churches, especially the Apostolic sects, to mobilise their members to attend in numbers. Newsday


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