Tuesday 6 February 2024


Three brothers who are suspected robbers appeared in court yesterday together with a colleague for allegedly robbing a family of money and valuables worth US$1 000.

Brain Madzima (27), Lameck Madzima (28), Tatenda Madzima (30) and Roman Badza (28) appeared before Harare Regional Magistrate Mr Donald Ndirowei charged with armed robbery.

They were remanded in custody to February 20 and were advised to seek bail at the High Court.

The State Prosecutor Mr Anesu Chirenje alleged that on January 13 at around 0230 hours, the accused persons hatched a plan to rob the complainants.

So they teamed up and proceeded to the complainant’s residence whilst armed with a pistol, hammer, bolt cutter, iron bars and catapult.

Upon their arrival, they smashed the window with an unknown object to gain entry into the house.

They confronted and manhandled complainant, Walter Chorosi and his wife Yeukai Muropa who were sleeping in the bedroom demanding cash and other valuables.

The accused persons ransacked the house and stole cash US$500, a Dell laptop, a Huawei cell phone, a Samsung A13, an iPad and a sling bag.

The accused persons fled from the scene with the loot leaving the complainants in the house.

The complainants reported the matter to the police leading to their arrest. Herald


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