Wednesday 28 February 2024


THE cash-strapped Gweru City Council has introduced an overnight clamping regime, where motorists found wrongly parked are made to pay US$85 cash in a bid to improve revenue.

The local authority is reportedly owing workers three months’ salary arrears and the move to introduce the night clamping was reportedly agreed upon in a management meeting last week, as the local authority desperately needs to improve revenue collection.

According to council sources, Mr Tapiwa Marerwa was tasked to spearhead the programme and has since opened a 24-hour office at Town House, where motorists will pay the fines at night.

The move has left motorists shocked as they criticized the local authority for being heavy-handed on citizens.

Gweru mayor Councillor Martin Chivoko ,confirmed the development but could not provide the supporting city by-law justifying the decision.

“I don’t think there is a need for a by-law about that programme. Motorists who are being clamped at night will be parked at undesignated points or dangerously parked,” he said. “They will be breaking the law and endangering other motorists, so they will be clamped for that offence.”

Gweru Lawyer, Ms Constance Madzudzu, said there was a need to pass a city by-law for the council to introduce 24-hour clamping.

“From what I know, which is legally correct, there are clamping zones and clamping hours, which are displayed around the city centre to warn motorists and would-be offenders. But to waylay motorists at night, clamping them while claiming to be enforcing the same city by-law, which stipulates times, zones, hours and dates is legally wrong,” she said.

Gweru City Council contracted a private company, Gweru City Park, which is now responsible for parking and clamping in the city centre. The company operates for eight hours between 8am and 4pm during the week. Lately, Gweru City Council workers have taken over the streets from 5pm until 6am the following day, clamping motorists found wrongly parked around CBD while collecting US$85 from each offender.

 Clr Chivoko said the fine was strictly in USD. Herald


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