Thursday 1 February 2024


GOVERNMENT has introduced a basket of new fees exclusively pegged in United States dollars for citizenship application or replacement of lost identity documents.

According to Statutory Instrument (SI) 8 of 2024 titled Citizenship (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 (No 23) searching a set of records/set is now US$10 (strictly USD).

A temporary travel document is now pegged at US$40 (strictly in US dollars), while initial registration as a citizen of a foreign person, who is applying on the basis of permanent residence either adult or minor, is US$5 000.

According to yet another SI 10 of 2024 titled National Registration (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 (No 18), replacement of lost or torn documents now costs US$10 or the equivalent in Zimdollars at the prevailing interbank rate.

“Replacement of lost or defaced metal or synthetic polythene Identity documents: (i) US$10 (ii) non-resident ... US$15 (e) urgent replacement of lost or defaced metal or synthetic polythene identity documents: (i) resident ... US$20 (ii) non-resident ... US$30

“(f) application of a synthetic polythene identity document whilst in possession of a metal identity document (i) resident ... US$20,” the SI reads.

It further stated: “(k) change of name on a document referred to in (b) or (d) other than after marriage ... US$25 (l) alteration of name in the document referred to in (b) or (d) other than after marriage ... US25 (m) change of citizenship status ... US$40 (n) change of name by notarial deed ... US$100.”

A third SI 7 of 2024 titled Births and Deaths Registration (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, states that authentication of births and death certificates is now US$20.

External birth certificate is pegged at US$15.

Non-citizen birth certificate (initial) is US$10 while Non-citizen birth certificate (duplicate) is US$25. Newsday



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