Wednesday 31 January 2024


THE ruling party Zanu-PF is confident of another emphatic victory in the local authority and National Assembly by-elections on Saturday as it has endeared itself with the masses by demonstrating political maturity and exhibiting tangible developmental progress across the country, Vice-President Kembo Mohadi, has said.

In a speech read on his behalf by Zanu-PF National Commissar, Cde Mike Bimha, during a star rally at Mkoba 13 in Gweru yesterday VP Mohadi urged voters to vote for Zanu-PF candidates to consolidate the ongoing development gains under the Second Republic.

He was drumming up support for the party’s candidate in the Mkoba North constituency, Cde Edgar Ncube who will only contest Mr Patrick Tayiya of DOP after Citizens Coalition for Change candidate Mr Amos Chibaya who was recalled from Parliament by the party’s interim secretary-general, Mr Sengezo Tshabangu, was later barred by the courts from contesting. “On February 3 we have by-elections in provinces such as Midlands and Bulawayo and the people should remember to vote for Zanu-PF candidates,” said the Vice-President.

“The Second Republic under the leadership of President Mnangagwa continues to make milestones in terms of socio-economic development of the country as evidenced by successful projects such as the Dinson Iron and Steel Company (Disco) plant that is nearing completion and the Gwayi-Shangani dam project.”

VP Mohadi said it was high time that all people vote for Zanu-PF candidates as they are coming from a party that understands the needs of the people.

He said the Zanu-PF Government understands the challenges facing residents in urban areas such as Gweru such as unavailability of water and potholes on roads.

“We want to believe that as a party we are going to win the local authorities and National House of Assembly by-elections on February 3.

“Zanu-PF is poised for victory because of the tangible projects that are happening across the country,” said VP Mohadi.

He said last year the Midlands province did well by voting for President Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF candidates in their large numbers saying the positive development showed the people appreciate that Zanu-PF is the only party with a future.

“Your job is not yet finished because we want you to vote for Mkoba North Constituency candidate on February 3,” said VP Mohadi.

“There is a challenge if we fight each other. We must be a united party. We don’t want to hear of bhora musango. Yes, we had primary elections and we had winners and now it’s time to put that behind us. Yes, we want Edgar Ncube but remember he is carrying the Zanu-PF name and that’s the most important thing.”

VP Mohadi urged party members to work hard and build a strong party instead of canvassing for personal gain and individual positions.

“We hear that some other people are working on DCC elections but we don’t even know when we will have the elections. So, stop that. We agreed as Central Committee to stop DCC elections now because we want to reorganise our cells,” he said.

“The cells were in shambles and we agreed to postpone the DCC elections. We are waiting for direction or way forward from our leaders.”

VP Mohadi also said the country has done a lot under President Mnangagwa who has demonstrated a passion for inclusive development. Chronicle


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