Tuesday 9 January 2024


 A 22-year-old self-styled sangoma was forced to withdraw US$1 600 by robbers on Friday who visited his shrine pretending to be clients.

The robbers drove Shelton Maliamba of Pfugari Complex, Whitehouse, to collect a debt of US$500 he was owed from a pig sale.

They claimed to be police officers and asked Maliamba if he was registered with ZINATHA.  They ordered him to tell his wife to dismiss all patients at the shrine.

After everyone had left, they demanded that he surrenders his bank card and bundled him into their car and drove to his bank where they forced him to withdraw money.

Acting Harare provincial police spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Faith Mapisa, confirmed the case saying investigations were in progress.

“Police are investigating an armed robbery case involving a self-styled sangoma from Whitehouse.

“On January 5 at around 9am, the complainant was at his shrine when one of the three accused persons budged into his shrine.

“The accused person demanded to be healed first stating that he was going on an urgent matter somewhere.

“The accused also demanded for privacy and people who were in the shrine were told to go outside and they complied.

“When the accused person was left alone with the complainant, he pointed an unidentified pistol at him and told him that he was under arrest for operating without a ZINATHA licence.

“He subsequently produced an identity card stating that he was a policeman and the other two accused persons also entered the shrine and produced identity cards indicating that the complainant was under arrest.

“The complainant was then ordered to get into the vehicle at gunpoint.

“The accused persons took complainant’s cellphone and requested bank account balance and took his cellphone,” said Ass-Insp Mapisa.

They drove to Southerton with him where they withdrew US$1 600.

They also drove to Matombo Area to collect US$500 before dumping him at Whitehouse. H Metro


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