Saturday 2 December 2023


Yesterday @MthuliNcube  fielded some ingratiating interview where he sought to credit his Boss @edmnangagwa  as some super thinker and the owner of the Budget . In his own words

" In fact it's his Budget , he knows everything I am going to present "

He even suggested that he had some setbacks and recalibrations from their several discussions outside Cabinet . So, after the Budget Presentation yesterday and the public verdict on it as anti people usurious tax budget , I am now even more curious to see the original draft budget  proposal . It will help in many ways to establish what really is " Mthulinomics "  and what kind of lording ED did on this Budget .

That said the revelation that it is the President ' s Budget creates a collateral problem for @edmnangagwa himself , who has his son as a Deputy Minister of Finance , leading many to wonder whose budget this really is ?

Chancellors of Exchequers & Ministers of Finance keep a significant surprise element of the Budget as part of their originality .

Mugabe guided the Minister of Finance through National Economic Councils a conclave of the economic cluster &RBZ , and left the rest to the Minister , of course he would be briefed but he would be favoured with the final copy on Budget day .

My issue here is over supervision in the Budget formulation process may kill a Minister ' s innovation, and Mthuli let the cat out of the bag on this one .

It explains the difference between  Mthuli at Davos , the impressive economist lobbying for a  job in 2018 and the politically battered one from Cowdray Park electoral defeat .

The technocrat is no more  ! Dr Walter Mzembi was writing on X


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