Monday 4 December 2023


Police in Harare have launched a manhunt for a kombi driver who allegedly hit a man in the city centre and took him to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals where he died upon admission but failed to report the accident on Wednesday.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said they were looking for the suspect who was driving a Toyota Hiace, registration number AGB 0306.

“Police in Harare are investigating a fatal road traffic accident which occurred at the corner of Leopold Takawira Street and Nelson Mandela Avenue on November 29, in which Forget Mcdonald Chimuzenga (37) died after he was hit by a motorist who was driving a Toyota Hiace kombi registration number AGB 0306.

“The motorist stopped after the accident and ferried the victim to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals where he died on admission. The motorist did not report the accident. Anyone with information to report at any nearest police station,” he said.

Police in Bulawayo are also investigating a serious hit and run road accident which occurred along 12th Avenue extension on Saturday in which a pedestrian was injured after he was hit by an unknown motorist.

The motorist did not stop after the accident. The victim sustained some head injuries and was ferried to United Bulawayo Hospitals.

Meanwhile, police in Nkulumane are investigating a fatal hit and run road accident which occurred along Masiyephambili Road near Nkulumane Complex in Bulawayo on Saturday at around 2am in which a yet to be identified man, aged approximately 30, who was wearing black trousers, grey jacket, white tennis shoes and a black sun hat was hit by an unknown motorist.

The motorist did not stop after the accident. Herald


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