Friday 22 December 2023


A DETECTIVE based in Bulawayo who was a getaway driver in a planned armed robbery spree in Victoria Falls has been arrested.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi in a telephone interview with B-Metro sent out a stern warning to other police officers who may break the law.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) does not condone criminal acts committed by police officers or any member of the security agents. Due processes of the law will be followed to effect punishment to the offenders,” said Asst-Comm Nyathi.

He said any form of resistance will be met with appropriate action.

Wellington Ndoro (36), a Criminal Investigations Detective (CID) Constable who is on leave allegedly connived with Felias Mvula (54) and four others who are on the run to commit a series of planned robberies in Victoria Falls.

The gang was allegedly armed with two pistols.

Two of the four accused who are still at large are only known by nicknames as Shorty and KK/Madala. The other one is known as Mduli and the fourth one is only described as a coloured guy from South Africa.

“Ndoro is the one who was driving the getaway car. They left Bulawayo for Victoria Falls in a Toyota Corolla bearing South African registration plates. They had planned to rob a number of houses and businesses,” said the source.

When they arrived in Victoria Falls their first stop for robbery was at a house where Ndoro and Mvula remained in the car while their four accomplices scaled over the precast wall, on 14 December.

“While they were inside the yard, the daughter of the owner of the house saw one of the robbers trying to force open the main door. She quickly informed her father who phoned the neighbourhood watch committee who swiftly arrived at the scene. Upon seeing them the four robbers fled from the scene. Ndoro and his accomplice also sped off in their getaway car,” said the source.

The neighbourhood watch team pursued them with their vehicle, a land cruiser which later smashed into the alleged robbers’ getaway car.

“Their car abruptly stopped. Ndoro and Mvula bolted out of the car and ran in different directions. A team of police officers stationed at Victoria Falls joined the pursuit.

“Ndoro was caught hiding at a certain house in Victoria Falls while Mvula was found hiding in a trench,” said the source.

Ndoro and Mvula were arrested and their four accomplices are still at large.

The gang had bought bunches of cable ties which, it is suspected, they wanted to tie up their victims with. B Metro


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