Wednesday 20 December 2023


God elevates the extraordinary.

Some of the "leaders" I see today would have jumped onto the leader of the house offer and the trinkets that come with it without even blinking. He did not, he showed character, principle and tenacity.

They are trying to force him to accept a fake result and threatening to decimate the party he leads, which won the elections because he has refused to accept their lies or to bow to their threats. The people of Zimbabwe are not fools. They see through all the lies.

He has matured over the years and become wiser, saying a lot by saying less and remaining focused on his God given mission.

Thousands of people are paid to denigrate and vilify him on social media, yet he remains strong, focused and with probity. He stands above the false narratives.

He remains firmly embedded in the hearts and minds of the people of Zimbabwe who remain vigilant in their pursuit of their victory as expressed in the August 2023 harmonised elections.

Thanks ever so much to SADC who have stood firmly with the people of Zimbabwe and to the generality of our people who remain peaceful, patriotic and focused on the change they expressed on that historic vote that Mnangagwa now seeks to reverse using illegal recalls, unlawful by-elections, abductions, murder, bribes, threats and many others.

We must remain steadfast in the face of it all, guided by the Almighty and in support of President Nelson and his shared vision for a new Great Zimbabwe for everyone, whose inevitability is inevitable.

It takes extraordinary tenacity! He was writing on X


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