Thursday 23 November 2023


THE trial of Mighty Warriors head coach Shadreck Mlauzi, charged with two counts of indecent assault, continued before Harare magistrate Mrs Ethel Chichera yesterday with the State leading its second witness, Dorothy Mugari, who is a safeguarding officer with the Council of Southern Africa Football Associations (COSAFA).

Ms Mugari told the court that her duty was to protect the players and technical staff and confirmed receiving the assault report from the complainant on October 7.

“I received a complaint from the team manager regarding this case. I went to the team manager and we talked to the complainant and she told us what had happened.

“She said she was being harassed by the head coach. She said he was sexually and verbally abusing her. She said the coach shouted at her and called her constantly and had touched her thighs,” she said.

Ms Mugari, who wrote the sexual harassment report, said according to her findings, the complainant had not consented. 

She submitted that she prepared the sexual harassment report according to the safeguarding policies and protocols.

During cross examination, Mlauzi asked Ms Mugari if she did not find it odd that the complainant did not file a report of indecent assault on the day it allegedly happened.

Ms Mugari responded saying the complainant wrote it in her report, but she did not see any signs of assault neither did she witness the act. 

She declined to comment about her character when asked by Mlauzi.

The State closed its case yesterday and the defence case opens on December 5.

It is the State’s case that on September 26, Mlauzi and the Mighty Warriors team were camping at Pandhari Lodge in Glen Lorne, Harare ahead of the Cosafa Women Championships held in South Africa recently.

The complainant asked for the training programme, but Mlauzi allegedly told her to collect it from his room. 

Later that day, she reportedly went to the room to collect the programme and Mlauzi allegedly told her he would email it to her.

He allegedly asked the complainant to kiss him on his lips before grabbing the complainant’s shoulders, pulling her towards him in an attempt to kiss her without her consent, but she refused.

In the second count, the State alleged that on October 4, Mlauzi and the complainant were in South Africa at Garden Court Hotel with the rest of the team members.

On handing the hotel room keys to the complainant, Mlauzi allegedly instructed her to report to his room and massage him. 

On the next day, while at a training session, the complainant told the coach that they did not have resistance bands for training and he allegedly told her to collect money from his room. 

The complainant went to collect the money from his room and when he handed over the US$20, he allegedly grabbed the complainant improperly and she turned down his advances and went away.

The next day, Mlauzi allegedly started harassing the complainant after the match and that prompted her to register her complaint to the Cosafa safeguarding officer who later counselled her. Herald


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