Wednesday 15 November 2023


PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has accorded the late Warriors coach and Highlanders legend Rahman Gumbo, who died in Botswana last Friday, a State-assisted funeral.

Bulawayo Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Judith Ncube yesterday conveyed the President’s condolences to the Gumbo family during a church service at their North End family home.

“It has been bad news to us as a country, we have lost someone who made us proud. He was able to raise the Zimbabwean flag, the Bulawayo flag and the Highlanders flag, iTshilamoya.

“I’m here to relay the President’s condolence message following the death of a hero whose works earned our country recognition,” she said.

“Let’s unite as a family and build each other and the country. Let us give Rahman a befitting send-off. President Mnangagwa is mourning with the family, friends and the rest of the country.”

Meanwhile, Zanu-PF Politburo member from Bulawayo Elifasi Mashaba read out a letter by Zanu-PF secretary-general Obert Mpofu  announcing the State-assisted funeral.

It read: “His Excellency, the President and First Secretary of Zanu-PF, Cde, ED Mnangagwa has conferred a State Assisted funeral to Cde Rahman Allen Thulani Gumbo who died on November 10, 2023. His family can be contacted through our Bulawayo Provincial office. I shall be most grateful if you would make the usual arrangements for his burial and payment of benefits to his family.”

Also present at the service were Zanu-PF central committee members from Bulawayo Joseph Tshuma and Mabutho Moyo, party provincial  chairman Jabulani Sibanda and secretary for administration Raymond Mutomba.

Also  in attendance was former Highlanders chairman Kenneth Mhlophe, the club’s ex secretary Jerry Sibanda, former manager Lawrence Phiri, ex club coach Cosmas “Tsano” Zulu and yesteryear  bustling striker Zenzo Moyo .

Legendary Agent Sawu and Zimbabwe Saints leader Vincent Pamire, Footballers Union of Zimbabwe (FUZ) official Hebert Dick among others were also in attendance.

Meanwhile, the body of the late Warriors icon will  arrive in the country today. Its arrival was deferred from yesterday to today due to some logistical challenges.

Nicknamed Rush, Gumbo was a football icon who is celebrated for his immense contribution to the country’s most followed sport.

He served the nation with distinction both as a player and a coach. Chronicle


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