Sunday 12 November 2023


Civil servants and pensioners will start being paid their annual bonuses this week on a staggered basis with traditional leaders and their messengers getting the 13th cheque for the first time.

Recently, Government assured public sector workers that their bonuses are guaranteed and has vowed to continue improving their conditions of service in tandem with the economic growth momentum.

Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister July Moyo said rewarding Government workers with bonuses is important so as to inspire confidence in them as they play a key role in economic development.

“For the economy to grow those who work in the public service must give total service sector to grow the economy,” he told our Bulawayo Bureau in an interview yesterday.

“So, when you reward these and you are still not crowding out the private sector and you are not consuming too much, it means you are making the economy grow. Public servants are important to our economy and we must reward them,” said the minister.

In a circular to heads of relevant departments, Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion, Permanent Secretary Mr George Guvamatanga, said Government would pay bonuses to its workers.

“In line with the established tradition and in recognition of the efforts of public service workers, Government has approved a bonus award for public service employees and traditional leaders,” he wrote.

“The approved bonus award, which is payable in the respective currencies for the public service is as follows: 100 percent bonus on pensionable emoluments in line with the Civil Service Key Scale (basic salary, in service allowance and administration allowance) payable in local currency, from grade B to E. A flat US$300 from grade B to E payable in hard currency.”

The permanent secretary said traditional leaders including headmen’s messenger and chief’s messengers will also be rewarded the 13th cheque.

He said a chiefs will receive a US$300 bonus and $337 256 in local currency, headmen US$210 and $168 628, village head US$100 and $84 314, chiefs’ messenger US$100 and $42 157, and headman’s messenger getting US$100 and $31 618.

Mr Guvamatanga said pensioners will get US$100, but if the claimant is the spouse, they will be paid US$80 and US$50 if the beneficiary is the child.

He said the payment will be staggered between November and December and received when employees receive salaries.

“To ease pressure on cash flows the bonus will be paid in two equal instalments in November and December 2023 across all sectors,” said Mr Guvamatanga.

“You may proceed to work or the modalities to facilitate the payments in November and December 2023. Please note that the payments should be made concurrently with the monthly salaries each sector.”

By awarding bonuses to the public sector, Minister Moyo clarified that this will not create a consumptive public sector but leaves room to grow the economy.

He said the private sector should also honour their workers, taking a leaf from the Government.

“To incentivise them (workers) is good for the economy and in many countries, it also gives discipline that is required by the private sector because they should take a cue from what the Minister of Finance (Prof Mthuli Ncube) has done because he has looked at all the economic issues,” said the minister.

“Looking at the salaries and wages, it now means we are now moving together, we are not leaving anyone behind but at the same time we are not overpaying people because the economy will slow down.”

Minister Moyo said traditional leaders also deserve the 13th cheque for the role they play in advancing the country’s development agenda, especially in rural areas.

“The President understands the role of traditional leaders. If you look at the job description of a village head for instance, they have 21 duties that are assigned to them. When you think of it, whenever you are doing drought relief, you have to work with a village head; whenever you are doing Pfumvudza/Intwasa, you are dealing with a village head; it could be court cases in order to maintain discipline among our communities, you have to deal with village head and you have to deal with chieftaincies,” he said. Herald


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