Thursday 2 November 2023


PLUMTREE police have arrested a Bulawayo man for smuggling more than 1 400 litres of fuel valued at US$ 2 280 from Botswana.

Acting Matabeleland South Police Spokesperson Assistant Inspector Stanford Mguni confirmed the arrest.

He identified the suspect as Raytor Chibvongodze (42) from Queenspark suburb in Bulawayo.

“On the 27th day of October 2023 around 6am, the Bulilimamangwe District anti-smuggling team received a tipoff that there was a car suspected to be carrying smuggled fuel and teamed up with ZRP Solusi Base details. 

“The team mounted a spot check along the Bulawayo-Solusi Road at Solusi University turnoff. The accused person arrived driving a Toyota Granvia Registration number ADV 1904 and he was stopped. Upon searching it was discovered that the accused person was carrying 57×25 litres containers full of petrol. The accused person was taken to ZRP Plumtree for further management,” he said

Ass Insp Mguni warned members of the public against smuggling as they risked being arrested.

He said police are conducting counter-smuggling patrols to arrest the vice.

“We encourage members of the public to report any cases of smuggling. We also warn motorists against using fuel from unlicensed operators as they risk damaging their cars with contaminated fuel,” said Insp Mguni.

Chibvongodze appeared in court and was yesterday fined US$200.

Meanwhile, police arrested drivers of two quantum vehicles full of smuggled electrical goods from Botswana as police in Plumtree piled pressure on smuggling syndicates.

The two vehicles are reportedly being processed at Plumtree Police Station with the arrested suspects expected to appear in court.

Smuggling is rampant through illegal crossing points and 26 suspects have been arrested between January and September this year. Chronicle


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