Monday 2 October 2023


Zanu-PF has called on all losing candidates in the just ended harmonised elections to return party vehicles allocated to them during the campaign period to the party headquarters not later than Wednesday.

In a communiqué addressed to all party provincial chairpersons, the party’s Secretary General, Dr Obert Mpofu, said parliamentary candidates that participated and failed to make it in the harmonised elections were supposed to return the vehicles that were allocated to them during the campaign period.

“This serves as a directive to all the Zanu- PF Parliamentary candidates that participated but did not succeed in the just ended harmonised elections to surrender the party vehicles that were allocated to them to the Zanu-PF party headquarters by Wednesday 4 October 2023 without fail. All provincial chairpersons are directed to ensure that this directive is implemented without fail,” reads the communiqué.

Dr Mpofu confirmed the directive in a telephone interview last night. He said the party gave its candidates vehicles for purposes of campaigning and it was procedural that those that lost return the vehicles to the party for use in furthering the party programmes. He said those that were involved in accidents with the vehicles were supposed to submit reports detailing the accidents and extent of the damages.

“It is very procedural that the vehicles be returned to the party. They remain the party property only allocated to individuals deployed for certain tasks. We will use the cars for party business as we see fit and our comrades understand that very well,” he said. Sunday News


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