Friday 1 September 2023


BOTSWANA President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi has joined other Heads of State and Government in congratulating President Mnangagwa on his re-election and leading Zanu-PF to a resounding victory in last week’s harmonised elections.

In a statement, President Masisi said President Mnangagwa’s victory is a clear demonstration of the trust and confidence that the people of Zimbabwe have in him.

“It gives me great pleasure to extend to you, on behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of Botswana, our sincere congratulations on your electoral victory,” said President Masisi.

“Your resounding victory is a clear demonstration of the trust and confidence that the people of Zimbabwe have in your visionary leadership.

“I wish to commend you, the Government and the people of Zimbabwe for adhering to the message of peace during the elections, a clear reflection of your country’s commitment to the democratic ideals that are a distinguishing factor of the Sadc Region.

“Your Excellency, as you once again take the responsibilities of your high Office, I wish to assure you and the people of Zimbabwe of our commitment to work closely with you and your Government in further deepening the bonds of friendship that exist between our two countries and peoples.

“I wish you a successful second term of Office, personal good health, as well as peace and prosperity for the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe”.

Meanwhile, the Dean of Zimbabwe’s Ambassadors, Kufa Chinoza, has also congratulated the President on his victory.

“On behalf of all Zimbabwe Ambassadors, and indeed on my own behalf, I would like to congratulate you, Your Excellency, Dr ED Mnangagwa, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and First Secretary of Zanu-PF Party, for winning the Presidential Elections on 26 August 2023,” said Ambassador Chinoza.

“As your Ambassadors, we have trust and confidence that you, Your Excellency, will once again ably serve as the President of our great country, Zimbabwe, as we further consolidate the growth trajectory witnessed over the last five years, through implementation of the National Development Strategy (NDS1). Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo. Ilizwe lakhiwa ngabaninilo.

“We remain committed to further implement the country’s Foreign Policy on re-affirmation, engagement and re-engagement in order to grow our economy and attain the vision of an upper-middle income economy by 2030.

“Your election is an endorsement by the Zimbabwean people of your good leadership and vision of the country”.

The National Judicial Council of Vapostori (NJCV) also congratulated President Mnangagwa on his victory.

In their message, they said there was peace before, during and after the elections, and that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) made sure that every voter did get a chance to exercise his or her constitutional right to vote.

“The National Judicial Council of Vapostori believes that the mandate of Election Observer Missions is not to question and interrogate the institution and Legislative Laws of a sovereign country”. Herald


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