Tuesday 26 September 2023


THE State yesterday withdrew human trafficking charges against Hurungwe North legislator, Pax Muringazuva, before plea.

Muringazuva, who was being accused of illegally facilitating the entry of eight Pakistani nationals into the country with the intention of trafficking them to South Africa, is now a free man. The prosecution decided that the allegations couldn’t be sustained in court.

Witnesses, who were set to testify against the legislator, refused to do so and were deported to their home country.

In his initial defence, upon placement on remand, Muringazuva distanced himself from the accusations, arguing that it was a scheme by his political rivals in the pre-election period.

It was alleged that in January, Muringazuva assisted the Pakistani nationals to illegally enter Zimbabwe, through the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport.

The Pakistanis were said to have fraudulently acquired Zimbabwe holiday visas and produced immigration forms indicating that Muringazuva was their host.

It was also alleged that while in the country, Muringazuva facilitated their transportation from the airport and harboured them at his house in Mabelreign. H Metro


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