Tuesday 5 September 2023


Police on routine patrol early Monday morning thwarted efforts by a few scattered small groups of opposition supporters to block some roads leading to the inauguration of President Mnangagwa at the National Sports Stadium.

President Mnangagwa won the Presidential poll with 2 350 711 votes, 52,6 percent of the vote, beating his nearest challenger, CCC’s Mr Nelson Chamisa who got 1 967 343 and 44 percent of the votes.

Zanu PF also won 176 of the 210 seats in the National Assembly, while CCC managed 73, with the poll in one constituency postponed following the death of a candidate.

However, some small and scattered rogue elements and groups have been sending offensive messages on social media platforms openly agitating for violence and illegal gatherings, especially in Harare and Bulawayo.

Early Monday morning patrolling police arrested some suspected CCC members who had tried to block roads and set fire to tyres in areas such as Chitungwiza, Rugare, Kuwadzana, Mbare and along Seke Road in a bid to block people from travelling to and from the National Sports Stadium. The groups were very small and easily dealt with by the patrols.The development comes after Police said its officers were fully deployed countrywide and remain on high alert to deal decisively with any unruly elements bent on causing disturbances in the country.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said officers were on motorised and foot patrols in central business districts, residential, industrial and other areas to maintain law and order.

“We would want to continue urging members of the public to remain peaceful in view of threats that are being issued by some rogue elements who want to cause disturbances.

“We will continue maintaining police presence, not only in Harare but countrywide,” he said.

Asst Comm Nyathi said the public should report criminal acts to the National Complaints Desk on number (0242) 703631 or WhatsApp number 0712 800 197.

Last Tuesday, Asst Comm Nyathi said police were happy with the cooperation they were receiving from the public in terms of maintenance of law and order. Herald


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