Monday 21 August 2023


MORE than US$120 000 was stolen in an armed robbery at a cash-in-transit security company in Bulawayo.

The robbers, armed with a pistol, attacked two people who had gone to the offices to collect money.

There has been an increase in armed robberies in Zimbabwe, particularly targeting cash-rich households and businesses.

Last year, six cash in-transit robberies were recorded, prompting concern over the trend.

National police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, said they were investigating the armed raid which occurred at the security company’s cash-in-transit offices in Thorngrove, Bulawayo.

“Two men who had gone to the cash-in-transit offices to collect cash for banking were attacked by two male suspects who were armed with an unidentified pistol using a white Honda Fit.

“The suspects snatched a satchel which had US$122 598 and sped off in their getaway vehicle,” said Ass Comm Nyathi.

Meanwhile, five 50kgs of gold carbon were stolen when four armed robbers struck at a mine in Rosa, Chiweshe.

“Four suspects who were armed with pistols attacked a miner and three security guards before stealing 5 X 50kgs gold carbons and two cellphones,” Ass Comm Nyathi said. H Metro


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