Thursday 3 August 2023


THIRTY-Six chiefs were duly elected to the National Council of Chiefs across the country in a glitch-free environment that sets the stage for the election of the council’s president and deputy president.

Yesterday’s election saw five chiefs being elected in Manicaland, Mashonaland Central (4), Mashonaland East (4), Mashonaland West (4), Masvingo (5), Matabeleland North (5), Matabeleland South (4) and Midlands (5).

ZEC’s vice chairman Ambassador Rodney Kiwa told The Herald that the elections were held in a free and fair environment.

He said following the successful Chiefs Council elections, the stage had been set for the conducting of polls for the president and deputy president of the council.

“As of now, I had not been advised of any violence that had taken place. The presiding officer is instructed to immediately advise the commission and this is what exactly happened, upon announcement by the presiding officer the elected chiefs will be members of the council,” he said.

“In Mashonaland West where I was, everything went well in fact I was impressed because they were organised because they knew everything. Out of the four, three were unopposed.”

In Masvingo Province, current National Chiefs Council president Chief Fortune Charumbira yesterday headlined a cast of five chiefs who were elected.

Chief Charumbira, who is also the Pan African Parliament President, polled 27 votes to shrug off the challenge of Chief Neromwe, born Mr Clemence Madzingo of Chiredzi, who got 7 votes during the election.

Other winners announced by Mr Pudurai were Chief Chitanga (Felen Chauke) of Mwenezi who polled 28 votes to outgun Chief Nemauzhe (Nelson Murandu) of Chivi who got 6 votes.

Chief Nhema (Ranganai Gwawanda) of Zaka also made it into the chiefs’ council after polling 24 votes against Chief Ndanga (Wilson Makono) also of Zaka who got 10 votes.

Chief Mazungunye (Lazarus Maitisi) of Bikita garnered 22 votes to defeat Chief Mugabe (Mr Matubede Mudavanhu) of Masvingo who got 11 votes.

Chief Serima (Vengai Rushwaya) of Gutu sailed through uncontested.

In Matabeleland South, Chiefs Stauze (David Mbedzi) of Beitbridge, Bidi (Nqaba Ndiweni) of Matobo/Kezi, Mphini (Jabulani Ndiweni) of Bulilima and Ndube (Nonhlahla Sibanda) of Insiza were elected into the National Council of Chiefs in a process that was held in a peaceful environment in Gwanda. Midlands Province saw two chiefs winning unopposed with the remaining three going through after voting.

ZEC Midlands provincial elections officer Mrs Dorcas Mpofu announced that Chiefs Ngungumbane, Ntabeni, Chireya, Mataruse, and Mafala had made it.

In Mashonaland West, a total of 18 traditional chiefs participated in the process to elect the province’s four representatives.

Chief Ngezi-Mupamombe, Chief Negande, and Chief Chirau won unopposed while Chief Chundu garnered eight votes to beat Chief Dandawa.

In Matabeleland North, the traditional leaders held their elections at Ntabazinduna Chiefs Hall, where they endorsed five candidates to the provincial leadership including Chief Mtshana, who is the incumbent deputy president.

Other chiefs that were elected unopposed are Chief Sikhobokhobo, Chief Siabuwa, Chief Nekatambe and Chief Siansali.

The holding of the National Council of Chiefs yesterday marked the first stage of the August 23 general polls. Herald


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