Thursday 3 August 2023


ONE person lost his life in Glen Norah, Harare, yesterday following public violence, with police arresting two suspects.

Following the death, Government called for peaceful campaigns, free contestation of ideas and political tolerance as espoused by President Mnangagwa. The incident occurred in the Riverside area, Glen Norah near Tanaka grounds, Harare.

In a statement, Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Ministry sent a condolence message to the bereaved family saying the Government had been made aware of an incident that resulted in the loss of life.

“Our condolences go to the family of the deceased. Police are on the scene carrying out investigations and they will issue a statement giving more details to the nation.

“As Government, we call for calm and ride on His Excellency, President Mnangagwa’s message of peaceful campaigns, free contestation of ideas, and political tolerance,” said the Ministry.

The Government said police would do their job and whoever was found on the wrong side of the law would face its full wrath.

In another statement, national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the arrest of two suspects.

“One person is confirmed dead as a result of the clashes.

“The scene is being attended by all relevant police sections. We have arrested two suspects in connection with the incident,” he said.

The incident comes barely days after 10 homes, properties, livestock, and valuables were burned in Shurugwi.

Among the 10 homes burnt in Shurugwi North Constituency were three huts and livestock belonging to Zanu PF member Cde Anna Mangena.

Other Zanu PF members who fell victim are Ever Chitata, Senzeni Mangena, Getrude Munyoro, Tendai Sithole, Lot Chivese, and Miriam Chivese whose homes, personal belongings, and sources of livelihood, including livestock, were lost during the ugly scenes.  Herald


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