Saturday 12 August 2023


Twenty-four-year-old Oscar Muchenje from Chief Chirinda area in Maramba, Mashonaland East province, has been slapped with a one-year jail term by Mutawatawa magistrate Mr Obedience Matare for marrying a minor.

The court heard that Oscar proposed love to a 16-year-old, who accepted his proposal in June this year.

Prosecutor Mr Steven Malota said on July 10, the complainant eloped to Muchenje, who introduced her as his new wife to his mother, Snailet Muchenje.

They started staying together as husband and wife.

The case came to light when police received a tip-off that the juvenile, who was doing Form One, was absent from school for some days and had been married to Oscar.

Muchenje will, however, serve 10 months after two months were suspended on condition he does not commit a similar offence in the next five years. Sunday Mail


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