Thursday 17 August 2023


HIGH Court judge Justice Never Katiyo has accused the opposition of endangering his life and that of his family members by publicly criticising him after he dismissed the party’s application for the release of an updated voters roll.

Katiyo on Monday dismissed the application as not urgent, sparking fury among the opposition camps.

Yesterday, he said his mobile number was posted on social media after the judgment.

“Let’s be guided by the court procedures. We should know what to say in public, especially since the matter is still before the court,” Katiyo said.

“For members of the public to be told that the ruling of the judge was incorrect, that the procedure was not good was not right. I'm quite aware that there are some court officials who made some comments. Let's not be especially involved and incite members of the public.

“If such sentiments are to come where my number is publicised, it would be a matter of concern. It involves my family and my security and we should be responsible as court officials.”

He urged parties to find each other, saying if they fail to reach an agreement, the matter will be argued before him today.

“Honourable Katiyo felt that this was a matter capable of resolution if parties were to consider their respective conditions which position we equally agree with as parties,” said Obey Shava who is representing the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

Zec has been taken to court by opposition parties on several occasions for refusing to release the voters roll.

CCC secretary for elections Ian Makone filed the latest urgent High Court application seeking an order to compel Zec to provide an up-to-date copy of the voters roll.

Makone cited Zec, its chairperson Priscilla Chigumba and the chief elections officer Utloile Silaigwana as respondents. Newsday 


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