Wednesday 30 August 2023


GOVERNMENT has legally confirmed the election of President Mnangagwa as the country’s president as well as those who will constitute Parliament following the recently held harmonised elections.

Government on Wednesday promulgated Statutory Instrument 1380A of 2023 in line with the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13].

The SI confirms President Mnangagwa’s election as the President of Zimbabwe after he garnered 52,6 percent of the total vote.

“It is hereby notified, in terms of section 110 (3)(j) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], that Mnangagwa Emmerson Dambudzo of Zanu (PF) party has, with effect from the 26th August, 2023 been dully elected as the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe,” reads the Government Gazette, citing Zimbabwe Electoral Commission chairperson Justice Priscilla Chigumba as the confirming authority.

In the same legislation, ZEC chief elections officer Mr Utloile Silaigwana confirmed the election of senators representing chiefs, Chief Mtshane, the National Council of Chiefs president and his deputy Chief Charumbira.

 He also confirmed two chiefs elected to the senate from the country’s eight provinces.

Mr Silaigwana recognised two senators who were elected to represent persons with disabilities Annah Shiri and Ishumael Zhou.

Using the same legislation, Mr Silaigwana also gazetted the National Assembly, Provincial Council and Senate members who were declared winners in the just ended elections across the country’s 10 provinces. Herald


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