Wednesday 2 August 2023


Zanu PF Women’s League secretary Mable Chinomona said President Emmerson Mnangagwa is ordained to lead the country.

She told the league structures in Manicaland at a rally held in Mutare Central last week that voting for Citizens for Coalition Change (CCC) candidates in the August 23, 2023, elections is challenging God, who ordained Mnangagwa.

 “You want to wrestle power from our divinely anointed saviour Emmerson Mnangagwa. We all know the good work done by our first secretary in Zanu PF. We must let him finish the developmental projects he is implementing across the province,” she said.

She also bemoaned low women representation in the province. There are only two female Zanu PF candidates in Manicaland, Angeline Gata of the Mutema-Musikavanhu constituency and Chido Sanyatwe of the Nyanga North constituency.

The number decreased from eight in the 2018 elections. She urged women to rally behind fellow women contesting the elections.

The League national political commissar, Maybe Mbowa, weighed in and said voting for the opposition is handing the country back to colonisers on a silver platter. Masvingo Mirror


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