Wednesday 2 August 2023


PRESIDENT Mnangagwa yesterday declared that Zanu PF is unstoppable, saying come 23 August, opposition parties should be prepared to be booted out of local authorities and Parliament as they have clearly failed the electorate.

He said this while addressing a ruling party star rally in Cowdray Park suburb in Bulawayo.

“Zanu PF is a peoples’ party, a party by the people, a party for the people. We are the party that brought Independence through a protracted liberation struggle. It was not an easy road from the First Chimurenga, Umvukela to the Second and Third Chimurenga.

“On 23 August sifuna ukuthi sivote, sivotela iZanu PF. Siwine ngomdumo. Zanu PF has been winning, it will win, it won yesterday, it won today, it will win tomorrow, it will continue winning and Zanu PF is unstoppable,” said President Mnangagwa.

“Zanu PF’s signature is that we deliver, we deliver and deliver. The opposition talks in the morning, talks in the afternoon and talks in the evening, but Zanu PF is about action, action, and action and thus we deliver. Zanu PF is all about delivering.”

The President took a swipe at the opposition-led urban local authorities for running down the councils which they lead.

“On 23 August, I declare to all the opposition political parties, please leave the local authorities, leave Parliament. All local authorities and parliament belong to Zanu PF; we will win resoundingly. The opposition has failed across the country, all local authorities they control are a shame, shame to you the opposition,” he said.

The President also called out the opposition for their disorganisation, referring to the failure of Citizens Coalition for Change candidates to file their nomination papers on time  in Bulawayo which resulted in the High Court nullifying their nominations.

He said unlike the opposition, the ruling party is organised.

“Zanu-PF is an organised political party, Zanu-PF keeps time when there is a nomination court, we know when it opens and when it closes. I say to those who are unable to read times and programmes that they should go back and reclaim their school fees,” said President Mnangagwa.

“Zanu-PF is uncontested in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo Central, and Bulawayo South not because we stopped anybody but because they stopped themselves. Our party is also uncontested in the provincial council.  Congratulations Bulawayo. So let us win resoundingly for our colossal mass party, ward by ward, constituency by constituency.”

President Mnangagwa said in the past, Zanu PF had only one MP (Cde Raj Modi) in Bulawayo.

The President further said the opposition should know that it was no easy task for them to get to the State House, telling them that it was much easier for them to fly to their handlers in the West than enter the State House.

“Please, ward by ward, province by province, at the national level, vote for Team Zanu-PF.Forward ever, backward never, victory is certain, victory is on the horizon, the sun is come up and only Zanu-PF is receiving the light.

President Mnangagwa presents a token of appreciation to a young girl who recited a poem at the star rally in Cowdray Park yesterday

“I want to remind the opposition and their handlers that State House is very far. Rather they fly and go to America, they will arrive, and going to the State House is an impossible task. State House is very far. I understand there are those who want to be supported by dishing out money, eat the money of these sellouts in silence, but come election day vote for Zanu-PF,” said President Mnangagwa.

The President said as Zimbabwe enters the month of August when the nation commemorates Heroes and Defence Forces Day, it was important for them not to forget the sacrifices that were made by national heroes and heroines in liberating the country.

“We honour the former Vice President, Umdala Wethu, Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo, Cde Benjamin Burombo, Masotsha Ndlovu, JZ Moyo, Cde Josiah Chinamano, Norman Zikhali, Bruno Msika, Jane Ngwenya labo Ushewunkunze, Absalom Sikhosana, among others; these are our heroes who played their part in the liberation of this country.

“I commend you Bulawayo province and the entire nation of Zimbabwe for the prevailing peaceful environment even against great provocation by pseudo-political parties. Zanu-PF rejects violence, we reject regionalism, we reject tribalism, we are all one people, under one flag, under one national anthem,” he said.

President Mnangagwa reiterated that the ruling party was a party with an open heart and they were always a welcoming party ready to welcome back any of their members who were misled into joining opposition politics.

“We shall remain one nation, one people, one unitary state, peaceful and living in harmony under Zanu-PF. Zanu-PF is our beloved party and Zimbabwe is our beloved motherland. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans, we are solid; we know where we want to go, we are unstoppable; no one will stop our march towards development. 23 August the people’s victory is achievable under Zanu-PF,” said President Mnangagwa.

The President said that the ruling party was marching forward with its philosophy of leaving no one and no place behind as the major thrust towards developing the nation.

“Under our party Zanu-PF, we are on a road to deliver a higher quality of life for our people and we are committed we are a people’s party, step by step we are modernising our lives, sustainable development is seen everywhere, household by household, township by township, no one and no place will be left behind under Zanu-PF philosophy.

“Only Zanu-PF has that philosophy, no one else has that philosophy because it is Zanu-PF that brought independence and democracy to this country, so we are the masters of our own destiny, no one can claim this crown of leadership but Zanu-PF,” he said. Herald


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