Saturday 5 August 2023


Police have engaged the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to appeal against a recent judgement in a case in which the wife of one of the mastermind behind the ZB Bank US$2,7 million and $43 000 heist was acquitted by a Harare Magistrate.

Esther Mutesvu (24) was recently arrested on allegations of buying properties and vehicles with a total value of US$70 000 within 30 days last year and police had suspected that the money was part of the heist which occurred in January last year at Gwebi River Bridge along the Harare-Chirundu Road.

Properties and vehicles that were purchased include a house in Aspindale Park, Harare worth US$65 000, a Toyota Axio, gold in colour (AEW 2938) bought for US$4 600, a Toyota Hiace (AFF 5470) bought for US$10 200, a silver Honda Fit (AFO 0424) and an Isuzu truck.

Investigations also revealed that there were some home improvements and property acquired using the money and also the purchase of Boerboel and Rottweiler dogs.

Mutesvu, the wife of Partson Matengambiri who is still on the run, was then arrested for contravening the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act Chapter 9:24.

She appeared in court several times but was last week acquitted by a Harare Magistrate over the matter.

This has resulted with the police through the CID Homicide to approach the NPA so that they will appeal against the judgement.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the developments.

“The ZRP through our CID Homicide has noted the court result and is currently engaging the National Prosecuting Authority over the case because it is clear from investigations that the suspect (Mutesvu) had no capacity to acquire such property and cars worth over US$70 000 within 30 days yet she is not formally employed.

“She is the wife of a wanted criminal, Partson Matengambiri who is still on the run,” he said.

Investigations conducted revealed that following the armed Robbery case which occurred on January 6, 2021 where a ZB Bank security cash in transit crew were robbed of cash amounting to US$2 775 000 in Nyabira, police received that Partson Matengambiri was hiding at the house in Aspindale Park, Harare.

Surveillance was conducted and on April 3, 2021, detectives spotted Patson Matengambiri’s vehicle parked within the suburb.

On the same date at around 10am, detectives pounced on the house and upon seeing detectives storming his gate, Patson Matengambiri jumped through the window into the yard of another house and escaped.

Further investigations and searches carried out revealed that Partson Matengambiri had purchased the house and vehicles using the money they had robbed before registering them into the name of his wife Esther Mutesvu.

Documents relating to the property and vehicles were recovered from the house and were taken as exhibits.

Mutesvu was then arrested and appeared at the Harare Magistrates’ Court on several occasions where she was later acquitted after a full trial. Herald


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