Tuesday 22 August 2023


FORMER Mozambican President Mr Joaquim Chissano who is in the country to observe elections yesterday participated in a breakfast prayer meeting where he urged all those involved in the electoral process to correctly play their roles.

“Zimbabwe is holding the 2023 harmonised elections in an atmosphere of tranquillity. I had the opportunity to participate in the rallies held by the two main presidential candidates.

“I refer to His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Mr Nelson Chamisa. I left their two rallies encouraged by the messages for peace and non-violence before, during and after the elections,” he said.

Mr Chissano said the moment of prayer for peaceful elections in Zimbabwe revealed the concern that all Zimbabweans as a family had for the country never to be associated with any type of violence and conflict.

“The question everyone should ask is: ‘What kind of Zimbabwe do l want for myself, child, my grandchild and future generations?’

“The answer will undoubtedly guide our actions in these elections.

“If I were to answer, I would say that I want a Zimbabwe of peace, a prosperous country, filled with love and mutual respect, where dialogue and love are the prerogative of all without exception. What should I do to make this wish come true? “he said.

President Chissano said action begins with changing the attitude of how one sees political opponent.

“I must see him as my brother, and I must respect him despite our differences; which should not lead me to mobilise the population for demonstrations that lead to violence and destruction of the country; that does not mobilise others to kill themselves as a way of claiming something.

“I agreed to join these prayers because I have faith in God, I have faith in those who have been concerned with the welfare of the people. Let us pray. Let us leave here strengthened so that Zimbabwe is a country of peace. And that no one deviates us from our belief of being peacemakers, being merciful, being meek and being clean in heart,” he said.

United Nations resident and humanitarian coordinator, Zimbabwe Mr Edward Kallon expressed appreciation to the religious leaders and representatives of various churches, saying their role as moral guides and their support to the citizens of Zimbabwe could not be overemphasised.

Mr Kallon said: “I commend Mr President and the rest of the political leaders’ persistent call for peace in this election. The presence of esteemed election observer missions from regional and international partners serves as a testament to the global importance of these elections.

“Your impartial assessment will contribute significantly enhancing trust building and confidence in the electoral process.

“Let me use this occasion to appreciate all stakeholders in this election, the Government, the political actors, the electoral commission and related institutions, the security forces, citizens, the media and partners for the relentless efforts put in place to ensure a successful and peaceful elections,” he said.

Mr Kallon appealed to those who would emerge as winners to conduct themselves with magnanimity while those who did not win were urged to exercise restraint.

“Grievances or dissatisfaction with the outcome should be channelled peacefully through established mechanisms and courts law. Let the overall winner in this election be Zimbabwe as a country,” he said. Herald


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