Friday 25 August 2023


George Charamba writing on X

Careful African Observer missions, foreigners are about to make you look foolish, unthinking, unAfrican. As I tweet, there is a desperate push by the EU Observer missions to get SADC, AU and ACP Observer missions to coordinate and produce one harmonised and harmonising report. So far ACP and AU Observer missionsare refusing and holding out.

We thank them, and encourage them to remain faithful to their independent findings through African, Progressive eye of the Global South. In the case of ACP, led by an Angolan national, preliminary comments have already been issued, distinctly solid, independent and progressive. Again, Zimbabwe thanks the ACP MISSION, its leadership especially.

The AU MISSION, led by former Nigerian Head of State, Goodluck Jonathan, has come under EU Observer Mission pressure to conform. So far, the AU Mission has rebuffed such untoward pressure, mediated through one Nevers Mumba, self-discredited Chairman of SADC Mission. Mumba, in typical colonial schoolboy fashion, has gone as far as reporting the AU Mission to his EU bosses on the AU’s laudable non-cooperative stance.

Not everyone in the SADC Mission falls in with this shameful conduct reminiscent of colonial kowtowing. It rankles. We are also aware of another Zambian national in the Commonwealth Observer Mission who is trying his treacherous best to jaundice the view of the Commonwealth. He played a similar role in Zambian elections which brought to power the current administration there in that great African country, itself home to Southern African Liberation Movements.

The Carter Centre Mission is now utterly discredited: preliminarily by composition, and concretely through its now outed partisan conduct throughout this election. In any event, it represents an Administration which is at war with Zimbabwe, the country whose electoral processes it still observes without any tinge of scruples or shame.

 And through USAID, enabled by two political NGOs: ERC and ZESN, the Carter Centre and its NDI are heavily implicated in aborted attempts to undermine Zimbabwe’s elections and, to destabilise her hard-kept peace through destabilising unofficial false results announcements which would have been based on a sample of 1000 stations, and simultaneously done here in Harare and in Nairobi where at least two Lady officers linked to ERC and ZESN, assisted by a bitter politician, were already in place.

The two ladies would even forego and waive their inherent voting rights as nationals, to execute this insidious assignment. Thankfully, that has been foiled, with some international media already lined up to globalise the lie, now stranded and gasping for a narrative. Charamba’s X (Twitter) account has since been suspended.


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