Sunday 2 July 2023


PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday went a gear-up in his election promises pledging to drill forty boreholes at every district where he addresses a Zanu PF campaign rally.

Mnangagwa made the pledge when he addressed scores of Zanu PF supporters at a rally in Nyele village, Bulilima in Matabeleland South.

“We will drill 40 boreholes in every area where I attend a rally. We bought 80m rigs to drill more boreholes for our people,” Mnangagwa told cheering party supporters.

Mnangagwa launched Zanu PF’s 2023 election campaign last Saturday in Manicaland’s  Chipinge district.

Other parties and independent candidates such as exiled former minister Saviour Kasukuwere and the main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) are yet to officially launch their campaigns.

Mnangagwa said this showed that Zanu PF was ‘unstoppable.’

“You in Europe, come and see how Zanu PF is loved by its people,” Mnangagwa said.

“Even if you close your eyes, our noise, sounds and movements will wake you up.

“You journalists here representing the whites go and tell them that Zanu PF is unstoppable.”

Turning to the economic crisis, Mnangagwa took aim at businesses before singling out Indians for causing mayhem in the market.

“I have been told that some Indians are hoarding basic commodities to cause price hikes,” he said.

“If investigations confirm this, we will not only confiscate the goods but their warehouses and give to the people.”

Zimbabweans have been hard hit by the ever skyrocketing prices of basic goods and commodities, sparking growing calls for dollarisation.

Mnangagwa insists the Zimbabwe dollar is here to stay,

He is one of the 11 presidential candidates.

Meanwhile, Zapu yesterday launched its election manifesto at a rally held at Stanley Square in Bulawayo. Standard


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