Monday 10 July 2023


Several projects being implemented by the Second Republic in the mining sector including the Manhize Steel Plant in Mhondoro were at some point scuttled by former Mines and Mining Development Minister, Walter Chidhakwa.

The Manhize project only started in 2022 after several attempts to tie down the deal during the First Republic failed.

If the Second Republic had not come in, the Manhize Steel Plant would have remained a pipe dream as every effort to bring in investment in the mining industry from China was being shot down.

In his address at a rally near Inkomo yesterday, Zanu PF spokesperson Cde Christopher Mutsvangwa said Mr Chidhakwa stifled every effort made to lure investment, which would have seen some projects implemented earlier.

“He (Mr Chidhakwa) thwarted our efforts to bring about investment in the mining industry from China when he was Mines Minister,” said Cde Mutsvangwa.

“The investment we sought then included the Manhize Steel plant. (Now) he wants to ascend to power by playing the tribal and regional card.”

Cde Mutsvangwa said Mr Chidhakwa is attempting to ride on the tribal and regional card in his political ambition.

But playing the tribal and regional cards is disliked by Zimbabweans.

Now aspiring for office in Zvimba South Constituency as an independent candidate, Mr Chidhakwa has been described as being insincere. 

\The former Zvimba South legislator was accused of amassing wealth for himself and his family but now pretends to be concerned about the welfare of the people.

 But ZANU PF is not losing sleep over his candidature as the revolutionary party has put in place measures to ensure it wins the elections resoundingly.

 All candidates who participated in the ZANU PF primary elections, attended yesterday’s rally, and pledged to support Cde Taurai Dexter Malinganiso, who emerged victorious. 

Zanu PF Central Committee member and outgoing legislator for the area Cde Phillip Chiyangwa said the party should remain peaceful in maintaining its winning streak.

Cdes Tawanda Tungamirai and Jessica Tapfumaneyi, who participated in the primary elections, said the party remains supreme and they are solidly behind the party candidate. Herald


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