Wednesday 19 July 2023


 The body of the distinguished academic and religious leader and founder of Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (Zaoga) Forward in Faith Ministries International, Archbishop Ezekiel Guti, is expected to arrive from South Africa on Saturday afternoon.

Archbishop Guti died on July 5, leaving behind an enormous history of evangelism spanning 63 years since he founded ZAOGA FIF.

In the past fortnight, tributes have been pouring in from celebrities, politicians, business leaders, clergymen and other influential figures in Zimbabwe and the rest of the world.

In a letter addressed to Greater Harare, Norton and Chitungwiza leaders and saints, Secretary General of ZAOGA FIF Apostle Mishael Nyambo said: “We announce the homecoming of our Father, who is accompanied by our mother, Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti and the family this Saturday around noon.

“We therefore encourage Greater Harare, Norton, and Chitungwiza members to come in numbers and honour our Father at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, Harare, on this historic day,” Apostle Nyambo said.

He also said mourners would line up along Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Road from the airport roundabout to Braeside roundabout before the convoy proceeds to a funeral parlour.

The church had organised grand celebrations which everyone was free to attend. Those from outside Harare were encouraged to come for the grand celebrations scheduled for 3 – 6 August.

The late Ezekiel Guti has been described as a modern day Christian giant who dedicated his life to preaching the word of God.

In his condolence message, President Mnangagwa said the death of Prof Guti left him “deeply shattered and saddened”.

He said Prof Guti’s works and footprints indelibly abounded across the length and breadth of the country, well beyond the vast, national movement of congregants and places of worship that he led.

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga described the late clergyman as a towering figure in Zimbabwe’s Christian movement, nation building and preservation of the social fabric.

Over and above his religious calling, Archbishop Guti also played a role in several other nation building initiatives including in the education and health sectors where he founded the Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University and the Mbuya Dorcas Hospital in Harare. Herald


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