Wednesday 12 July 2023


CCC candidate for Gutu Central Constituency, Matthew Takaona has lost 1 000 posters put up on trees and rocks after they were vandalized by hooligans believed to be Zanu PF supporters.

“For security reasons, we put up hundreds of posters in one night throughout the Constituency last week. We were however, saddened two days later to find most of them torn by hooligans that are obviously Zanu PF supporters.

“We have some names of the people doing this, particularly at Utsinda Business Center and we are planning to make a report to the Police,” said Wilson Run’anga who is a co-ordinator for the CCC campaign in the Constituency.

He said it is ironic that Zanu PF candidate, Winston Chitando’s posters which came five days later were not touched at all.

Chitando, the sitting MP and Takaona are the two horses battling it out in Gutu Central, a key constituency in the district.

Efforts to get a comment from Chitando were futile.

Takaona said citizens must be allowed to enjoy free and fair election as it is a fundamental right.

“Our president Nelson Chamisa has always preached peace and we want peace. By fighting shadows in the form of pictures on the wall it means some people are getting very frightened,” said Takaona Masvingo Mirror


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