Tuesday 20 June 2023


Zimdancehall chanter Takura Chioniso popularly known as Blot has appeared at the Mbare Magistrates Court after he was arrested for possession of 1.15g of Crystal Meth.

Chioniso (24) who was being represented by Mr Dumisani Mtombeni was facing charges of possession of dangerous drugs when he appeared before a Mbare magistrate.

He was remanded in custody to June 26 for trial.

The court heard that on June 13 around 3pm, the complainant was carrying out his duties of crime surveillance in Sunningdale, Harare in the company of his colleagues.

The complainant then received a tip-off that drug abuse activities were going on in a particular motor vehicle parked along Matiza Road in Sunningdale 2.

Police then pounced on Chioniso who was sitting in his car, they searched him and found a sachet of Crystal Meth in his possession leading to his arrest.

The crystal meth weighed 1.15g. Herald


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