Sunday 18 June 2023


Villagers from Checheche in Chipinge are angry with the imposition of businessman Enock Porusingazi as the ruling party candidate for the August 23, 2023 elections.

Speaking in interviews with The Mirror, the villagers said that Porusingazi lost the primary elections because the electorate no longer wanted him. They accused him of not initiating any development projects in the area in his current term

Porusingazi lost the ruling party’s elections to Robert Nyemudzo but the latter was immediately arrested for brewing illicit beer and disqualified from the primaries. Porusingazi who came second automatically became the party candidate.

Combined Checheche Resident Association chairperson Win Bhila said imposed leaders do not have the interest of the community at heart.

“As a resident association, we want leaders who are community driven and chosen by the community. It’s the community which needs representation so we must choose leaders of our choice. Imposition of leaders by political parties is wrong. Those leaders don’t serve the interests of the community or the constituency. At times we are given bad leaders,” he said.

Porusingazi said he has done a lot of projects in the constituency and the electorate should be educated on the roles of an MP.

“I have done a lot of projects for this constituency. Residents should understand that they are the primary beneficiaries of everything that i have done. I recently constructed a male ward at St Peters Mission Hospital and currently i am rehabilitating the Checheche-Mabeye Road with the help of a private partner since the project requires a lot of money. I have drilled over 200 boreholes in the constituency and constructed a classroom block at Checheche High School among many other projects. The electorate should be educated on the role of an MP which is to make laws and not not rehabilitate roads,” said Porusungazi

Some Zanu PF supporters accused Porusingazi of failing to fulfil his promises as a member of parliament hence he lost the party primary elections. They also accused of working in cohorts with Greenfuel when villagers were evicted from their ancestral land.

Joel Moyo said locals were determined to dump non-performers.

“Things have changed. Gone are the days when we got party directives on who to vote for. Porusingazi also stays in Middle Sabi and that is Chipinge East,” he said. Masvingo Mirror


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