Thursday 8 June 2023


TWO employees, who have been assisting a Highfield traditional healer – who was arrested for rape at the weekend – were not trained in the surgical work they were conducting.

Sekuru Edward Manyera (47) was arrested for allegedly raping a Beitbridge married woman at his shrine.

His worker, Eunice Matenda, was the one who was left holding the woman’s baby when Sekuru Manyera took the Beitbridge visitor into his shrine.

Police claim the woman was raped by the sangoma.

The shrine, which is made of plastics and divided into two rooms, has traditional herbs, knobkerries, double-edged swords and knives placed inside it.

Eunice said her duties were to sell traditional herbs and assist Sekuru’s clients during consultations.

She has been working for Sekuru Manyera for nearly two years.

“Consultation is for free asi kana wavekuda matare sekuru vanobhadharisa US$5,” said Eunice.

“I earn US$100 per month and I have been with Sekuru for more than one-and-a-half years.

“I sell traditional medicines to people when Sekuru will not be conducting any spiritual matters.

“I remain outside the shrine when Sekuru will be attending his clients unless they seek spiritual matters.”

Another worker, Vicious Muvengwa, said: “I have been at this shrine for two months now, earning US$80 per month,” said Vicious.

“Ndirikubatsira sekuru kucheka masare. We sometimes use gloves, when they are available, and brand new razor blades.

“Sekuru uses traditional herbs to cure any wounds emanating from some operations.

“We also attend to pregnant women and assist women to give birth.” H Metro


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