Thursday 22 June 2023


Having been used to questioning suspects and victims during trials, tables however, turned upside down for a prosecutor Brian Muchengeti Chitsungo who found himself on the other side of the chair which he used to sit when he appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Elisha Singano facing bribery charges.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was remanded out of custody to 26 June for trial.

Allegations against Chitsungo are that on 08 February this year after Michael Mlambo was convicted for assaulting a peace officer and remanded in custody awaiting sentence the following day, Chitsungo, allegedly, solicited for a bribe from Mlambo’s wife Eunice.

The court heard that after the court proceedings Chitsungo allegedly approached Mlambo’s wife who was crying and told her that he could assist her husband to evade a custodial sentence.

The court heard that he demanded US$1000.

On the following day and at around 7am, Chitsungo phoned Eunice and they met near a bookshop directly opposite Tredgold Building and she handed him US$400, R3000 and P400, the court heard.

The court heard that Chitsungo demanded a top-up of US$150 and being eager to see her husband spared a jail sentence, Eunice rushed to the shop and brought the US$150 and handed it over to him.

On the same day Mlambo was later sentenced to perform 280 hours of community service.

As they were leaving the courtroom, Mlambo was told by his wife that she gave Chitsungo some money so that he could be spared a custodial sentence.

It is reported that Mlambo quickly confronted Chitsungo and demanded back the money which he had been given by his wife.

The court heard that on the following day Chitsungo drove to Mlambo’s home and gave him R3000, P400 and US$400 as part of the refund.

He promised to pay US$150 within a short period of time. On the same day at around 11am Chitsungo allegedly engaged an investigation officer (name supplied) to hand the balance to Mlambo.

The investigation officer reportedly gave it to him.

The matter was reported to the police and investigations led to the arrest of Chitsungo.  B Metro


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