Thursday 8 June 2023


FORMER Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko’s son, Siqokoqela who was serving a jail term for rape and escaping from lawful custody has been released from prison on $200 000 bail pending appeal against conviction and sentence.

Mphoko Siqokoqela was in May convicted and sentenced to 20 years in jail by Bulawayo regional magistrate, Mr Elijah Singano in May for raping his niece and escaping from lawful custody.

The ruling by Bulawayo High Court judge, Justice Evangelista Kabasa follows an application for bail pending appeal by Mphoko through his lawyer, Mr Zibusiso Ncube of Ncube and partners, challenging his conviction and sentence.

As part of the bail conditions, Mphoko was ordered to reside at his given address until the appeal is finalised and to report to Hillside police station every last Friday of the month. He was also ordered to surrender title deeds to his home. Chronicle



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